Your Octopus Agile tariff companion.
Quickly and easily view upcoming Octopus Agile rates, alongside your historic usage data and compare your current tariff with any other Octopus currently offer in your area.
Free and easy to use
The free version of Octopus Wizard lets you view up to 30 days of historic data, showing the saving (or extra payments) you make compared to other Octopus tariffs. Dig deep into half hourly pricing and view your average cost per kWh per day.
View current and historic Octopus Agile pricing, with half hourly pricing and an easy to read chart showing which times of the day are most expensive and which are cheapest. Pricing is broken down to half hourly rates, colour coded so you can see what is cheap at a glance.
The quick view panel at the bottom of the Agile rates page shows the best time to run your appliances based on their run time. Scroll down to view the quick view panel and look for the cheapest time to charge your car or run your washing machine.
Choose to include, or exclude standing charges in any totals, making comparison comprehensive and valuable.
Octopus Wizard is now available for both iPhones and Android devices and will be updated frequently with new features and options.
Not with Octopus Enenrgy yet?
If you are thinking of moving to Octopus Energy why not get a £ 50 credit to your bill by using this link. By referring you we also get a £ 50 credit, so it is a win win for both you and us, you get great energy and access to this free app, and we get some more funds to help develop the app further.
Feedback and Support
Simply put, we want Octopus Wizard to be the best app available of its kind so if something is not right or perhaps there is a feature you would like to see please contact us and let us know.
If you like the app we would appreciate a short review as they are very important to both us and other users who may be looking for an app to try.
Built with LiveCode. Portions © RunRev Ltd, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. All trademarks acknowledged. App screenshots created with Previewed.
Please note Octopus Wizard is not owned or operated by Octopus Energy. You will need an SDK key and your Octopus account number to download your data to the app. (you can obtain these free – there is a link in the app).
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